"someone that can make me smile.."

I need someone that can make me smile
Who will stare in to my eyes, for a while
tell me that she loves me, gives me a kiss on the cheek
then lays in my arms and falls to sleep

I need someone to never lie, and will always stick by
Who always will be my best friend, you would be god send!

In your arms I love to be, everybody looks enviously
Now they can see, you are everything I wanted you to be!

You are the one, I have forever dreamt of
Your long hair, your beautiful eyes stairing into mine
Your smell makes my heart beat fast, and in my heart I can feel
this will always last.

Postat av: Linnéa

men tjaa alex :P hehe tack tack tack! snckat med björn o han tycker vi ska styra utgång till helgen, då är väl lille alex med han med hoppas jag??? :D

2008-03-03 @ 22:15:44
URL: http://linnea.classon.blogg.se
Postat av: Karin

Hehe, det var nog en blandning av allt. Men har hört att dom ska sänka till 20.. så då blir det nog inte bekymmer, hoppas jag =D När kommer ni?

2008-03-03 @ 23:44:42
URL: http://krankykarin.blogg.se

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